Mid-life Review Doesn’t have to be a Crisis! I am passionate about encouraging women to embrace their authenticity and lean into life. Together we will explore your values, talents, desires and dreams and create a path to fulfillment. Let’s banish your depression and anxiety symptoms with a renewed sense ofoptimism and agency. You can do it!
Typical events that prompt us to contemplate the past and project into the future can develop into depression or anxiety symptoms that can make life miserable. We often feel stuck, hopeless or fearful. It is time to rediscover yourself, find your voice and embrace this next phase in life!
Did you pause your career or find yourself in career stagnation?
Did you lose a sense of self while raising a family or in a marriage?
Is your nest empty? Have you lost direction and sense of purpose?
Are you suffering from FOMO or comparing yourself to others?
Have relationships with family, friends or a spouse become challenging?
Do you have health concerns or a fear of aging? Or have caregiver stress?